No one’s ever prepared to lose a loved one but the onset of mass grief in India is here.I woke up at a weird hour this morning. Unable to go back to sleep, I reached for my phone for a quick scroll and stopped at a devastating…May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
The Counting.On the eve of my least favorite day, I can’t help but sit in a quiet withdrawal, ironically in a bustling Starbucks with store music that…Jan 17, 2019Jan 17, 2019
How I manage LDR with my momLDR=Long-distance relationship (for the 1% who don’t know that, ok 2%).Oct 20, 2016Oct 20, 2016
“Dear Dad”You can never make complete peace with certain things in your life. The loss of a loved one is one of them.Jan 17, 2015Jan 17, 2015